Winter Formal is quickly approaching.Talk of dresses, shoes, dates and hairstyles are fluttering around campus, adding to the excitement of the dance being held this Saturday, at the Oasis.
Many students plan on going to this event, and are looking forward to a night of fun and dancing. Sophomore Hoanganh Duong is one of those students.
“I’m really looking forward to the music and seeing all my friends,” Duong said.
The dance is being held in the Starlight Room at the restaurant on Lake Travis from 8 – 11pm in evening. Tickets are on sale for $30 every day this week during lunches and online. A dessert bar and drinks will be included for students with presale tickets. Tickets are also $35 at the door.
Winter Formal is Coming
Emma-Rose Floyd, Staff Writer
January 23, 2014
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