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Chicken Minis: A need for the delights to be ‘all day, everyday’

Chicken Minis: A need for the delights to be 'all day, everyday'

Chicken Minis, also known as Chick-Fil-A’s most brilliant creation.

You’re in third period when you get the slight craving for one of Chick-Fil-A’s delights, switching computer tabs from your notes to the red and white filled website. Immediately, the Chicken Minis catch your eye, and before you could place your order, it daunts on you: it’s 1pm. “Breakfast items are not available after 10:30 am” strikes across the screen. As society evolves, convenience reigns supreme, widely sought after items such as the Chick-fil-A’s Chicken Minis remain confined to the early morning hours. The expansion of breakfast hours could allow for the meeting of ongoing goals for popular fast-food restaurant connoisseurs.

For many chicken-lovers, the Chicken Minis are an absolute stud. With their delicate, flaky biscuit hugging a seasonally ideal chicken tender, the diminutive sandwiches offer a nice combination of texture and taste that can brighten up any spot. There is no reason such a delicious delight should be restricted to the early morning when its popularity persists during the day. As the traditional route of 9 to 5 scheduling is no longer the typical norm for the workforce and students, the quick need for a midday snack or meal is more frequent. With the introduction of all-day Chicken Minis, they would classify as the perfect grab and go fuel, presenting a crisp and delicious treat.

Furthermore, food habits are also changing, and consumers increasingly seek flexibility in the food that they consume. Barriers between breakfast, lunch, and dinner have broken down, and breakfast options are now consumed at times besides morning by most consumers. Chicken Minis, as convenient and popular as they are for so many, would be an ideal option for an all-day menu, where the same comfort and gratification are experienced for lunch or even supper as it is for the breakfast hour.

Ultimately, exceptional food, like the Minis, shouldn’t have a time constraint. Chicken Minis are enjoyed at any time of day and should be accessible when the urge strikes. Next time, during a lecture based class, Chicken Minis hope to be the go to meal, even at 1 pm. And if it’s not, we’ll just have to order them a little earlier… or maybe a lot. 

About the Contributor
Neha Kunka
Neha Kunka, Staff Reporter
Neha Kunka is a senior and is excited for her first year on the Voice. Aside for being part of the staff, Neha loves playing volleyball, trying new foods, and watching sports. Neha is also the Executive Historian on Student Council, volunteers at her local hospitals, and has been dancing for almost 13 years.