On Apr. 8, at exactly 1:36 PM, the city of Austin will be in the path of a total solar eclipse that is not expected to happen again in the next two decades. Students who plan to be present on this day will have the opportunity to watch the solar eclipse using specific glasses at the Monroe Stadium from 1 PM to 2 PM.
Associate Principal Amanda Toon had a meeting with the other staff on Monday Apr 1 to discuss the process of the glasses and was impressed by the way they are manufactured.
“We’ve ordered [the glasses] for all of the students and they’re kind of cool because you can barely even see through it, so it’s very safe,” Toon said.
Handling such a huge production and cost for these solar eclipse glasses is tough, as Vandegrift pays tribute to those who have been able to provide glasses to the students in their latest Smore (a quick brief written by the staff) regarding the day of the solar eclipse.
“With the support of campus funds, PTAs, and our greater community, Leander ISD has secured safe-viewing glasses for students and staff,” the VHS staff wrote.
On Apr. 1, the staff’s main point of discussion was on how to hand out the glasses to the thousands of students.
“Students will receive their eclipse glasses in their 2nd period class,” the latest Smore wrote.
Jessica Stamp
Associate Principal Toon adds on to explain this process further and emphasizes the organization efforts put into this day.
“We thought a lot about this [on Apr. 1] and we decided that we will have different tables set up at the entry into the stadium, and we’ll have multiple people handing out [the glasses] as students are walking in,” Toon said.
Although this process ensures safety during the solar eclipse, families do have an option to opt-out their student from viewing the eclipse.
“Anything that’s a little out of the typical ordinary day, there tends to be an opt out [option],” Toon said. “I assume that the students who are opting out or parents who are opting students out are typically doing that at the elementary level.”
The only thing families need to do to opt-out their student from the assembly is to fill out a google form linked in the Smore.
“Students whose parents [want to opt their student out] complete this Google Form will not be permitted outdoors during the eclipse except in case of an emergency,” the Smore states.
This event took a lot of organization from staff and a lot of effort to make it the best experience possible.
“We’ll just be hanging out and we’re having some music and more of a relaxing day,” Toon said. “It’s an experience to be able to be in the stadium and be able to see this once in a lifetime solar eclipse and so we wanted that to be the focus.”
Swetha is a junior and is super excited to serve her first year on staff and have an amazing new experience this year! Apart from newspaper, she is a part of the Varsity Girls Golf Team. Outside of school, Swetha enjoys playing golf and other sports, travelling, biking, photography, and spending time with family.