Voice staff shares Thanksgiving traditions
The 2021-2022 Voice news media staff wish readers a Happy Thanksgiving.
November 25, 2021
The Voice news media team share their Thanksgiving traditions, food musts, and stories to celebrate with the readers and community:
The Food
“Every year, because my family has such a big family on my mom’s and dad’s side, we started coming up with a tradition of spending Thanksgiving with a different side of family each year. This year I am spending Thanksgiving with my mom’s side of the family. What I enjoy eating on Thanksgiving is definitely the turkey, mashed potatoes, and my mom makes a really good pie (chocolate) with ice cream.” – senior Taylor Chronert
“Every Thanksgiving, my dad’s parents would switch off on who would host Thanksgiving, for they’re divorced. Whenever I went to my grandpa’s house, my step grandma who’s Filipino would make bomb food from her culture. At my grandma’s house, everyone on my dad’s side of the family comes over, and we have a traditional Thanksgiving: turkey, stuffing, mash potatoes, you name it.” – senior Karissa Gonzales
“My favorite is making the pie though, every step is thought through and specially made. Most recipes we use are from my mom’s mother who passed away before I was born. So I’d say that pie HAS to be eaten on Thanksgiving!” – senior Claire Janson
“We don’t really have any strict traditions but I’m excited to be cooking the entire meal besides the turkey for my family. Apple pie, mashed potatoes WITH lumps, and sweet potatoes with marshmallows are a MUST.” – junior Abby Lincks
“Sweet potato fries with marshmallows are always a given at my house.” – junior Yness Martinez
“Dinner starts at 5-ish and consists of cornbread, blueberry-cranberry sauce, mini-pies, cheesy potatoes, mashed potatoes, spicy potatoes, spicy chicken instead of turkey, feta and watermelon salad, and the other things vary.” – sophomore Seiya Mutreja
The Memories
“One of the memories I have from Thanksgiving is when I was like 6 or 7. I was at my neighbor’s house as we are close family friends, and we spent Thanksgiving with them that year. Apparently idk what happened that evening but somehow a napkin got put on my head and there’s a picture of the scene to this day.” – senior Taylor Chronert
“I typically help prep the Thanksgiving food and dinners. I also hide all of my favorite treats that I find during Thanksgiving in my grandma’s pantry.” – senior Karissa Gonzales
“One of my family’s most followed traditions is cooking with our grandparents or cooking together as a whole.” – senior Claire Janson
“For Thanksgiving, we usually have the Macy’s day parade on in the background as I cook the meal.” – junior Abby Lincks
“We usually tell one of my cousins that my uncle ate my dad’s finger one year, because we were keeping him from the pie, so he bit it off. It’s one of my favorite traditions. My grandpa always uses this opportunity to make his Christmas card pictures with the whole family, if you consider that a tradition.” – junior Yness Martinez
“On Thanksgiving, we always have a toast and tell each-other what we are grateful for.” – sophomore Seiya Mutreja
“My favorite tradition is probably when my family and I go around the table and tell each other what we are thankful for. A unique tradition that my family has, well it’s not really unique, but we listen to Christmas music while we are cooking. And my grandma always two- steps around the kitchen with me and my sister, which is super fun.” – sophomore Gabriella Sevieri
“All of my Thanksgiving meals are for the most part celebrated with my immediate family since most of our relatives live in either Australia or Malaysia. However, my grand aunt and uncle normally join us too.” – junior Dayna Ung
“My family likes to get up early on Thanksgiving morning and get ready to start cooking in the kitchen. We put on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade and everyone helps out by preparing side dishes and helping with the turkey. I have never missed watching the parade and one of my jobs is to set up the Thanksgiving table with special plates, napkins, etc.” – junior Natalie Weber