AVID club holds bake sale

Victoria Barreras’ mother

Members advertise bake sale posters

Priya Gregerson, Co-Editor

Cars pull into the parking lot, and the smell of freshly baked goods greets the passengers as they hop out of their cars. They smile. Who can say no to a cupcake?

Last Saturday, on Dec. 8, AVID Club held a bake sale next to Mighty Fine and Thundercloud Subs on Ranch Road 620. All of the proceeds were forwarded to Dell Children’s Hospital.

“I really like all the community service activities we’re doing,” president Victoria Barreras said. “[This year] we got to design t-shirts and we’re even putting up [our own] AVID club website.”

Barreras and other officers had club members vote for a charity organization to hold a fundraiser for. The fundraiser ended up raising more than $600.

“We always vote on organizations and stuff we want to help donate for, so we voted for the Dells Children’s Hospital,” Barreras said. “We wanted to donate all the proceeds of the bake sale there. Everyone wanted to do a bake sale so that’s why we chose to do a bake sale.”

Barreras explained how last year the club didn’t have much happening in a productive and timely manner. As an officer this year, she is trying to change that.

“This year we’re trying to plan this out more in advance, get more members, and vote on more things,” Barreras said. “This way people can do community service things they really want to do.”

Similar to a few other clubs, like the Red Cross Club, AVID club has many volunteer opportunities for students. Members like sophomore Corian Marneweck are able to get volunteer hours for certain other club or class requirements.

“It was a lot of fun baking but also selling it was pretty interesting well,” Marneweck said. “It was mainly just seeing people walk by the stand and getting all interested and ordering.”