Humans of Vandy: Junior Makayla Mears

Junior Makayla Mears.

Caitlin McKeand, Co-Editor in Chief

  1. Name and grade
  • MaKayla Mears, 11th
  1. What are you involved in here at VHS?
  • ASL Club and FCCLA
  1. Do you have any plans for college?
  • I want to go to college after school and I want to study Early-Childhood Education to become a teacher. The school I’m looking at are TCU, Baylor, and UT.
  1. What do you hope to accomplish with your life?
  • I hope to accomplish my dream of just having a great family of my own.
  1. Where do you see yourself in the future?
  • I see myself teaching in Preschool classrooms or elementary classrooms teaching kids.
  1. What’s your life motto?
  • “You were born an original, so don’t die a copy.” -unknown