The life of a student during HOCO week

Photographer: Claire Janson

This past week’s homecoming floats in the parade leading to the pep really.

Gabriella Sevieri, Staff Reporter

Monday was the first day of HOCO week and the theme was “Twin Day.” That day or To fit the theme (choose which you like better), my friend and I decided to both wear sweatpants and a tank top. Both of us decided that we should wear black sweatpants and white Air Force Ones. Going down the more comfortable route was the best way to go, because it was a  Monday and we were both exhausted from the weekend. 

Tuesday was “Celebrity Crush Day” on Tuesday. I personally did not dress up, but a lot of my friends did and it was so fun to see what everyone dressed up as. There were many people in the halls and in classes that looked great. At one point in the day, I did wish that I dressed up because everyone looked like they were having a great time being their celebrity crush. 

Wednesday was “Neon Lights Day” and even though I wore pajama pants as bottoms, I had a neon pink shirt on so I was still supporting the theme. I loved everyone’s outfits that day; everyone looked so bright and had great neon accessories. When I was walking into school, I even saw some people wearing glow sticks. It is great that people in our school participate in spirit week. Even my teacher gave us glowsticks in chemistry!

 I came to school excited to see all the boas that everyone was wearing, as Thursday was “Boa Bash,” but I sadly went home early on Thursday. From what I did see, boa day seemed to be a success and many looked like they were wearing different colored fun feathers. It was the day before Friday and many seemed to be prepping for the weekend already–I know I was. 

Friday was “Spirit Day!” I did not have a great selection of spirit shirts to choose from, so my friend brought me one of her Vandegrift Swim shirts. I was glad that I was able to wear a shirt that supported our school. Almost everyone was wearing something that represented Vandegrift colors or activities.  

Saturday was The day of the dance and it was honestly super stressful. In the morning, I got my nails done and that took about an hour. After the nails, I was able to relax for about an hour and then my mom told me I should start on my hair. Then one of my family friends came over and did my makeup, and it turned out really good. When I finished with my hair and makeup, I went over to my friend’s and we finished getting ready. After taking pictures, we went to dinner and that was fun! When dinner was finished, we went to the dance and saw lots of people we knew. All and all, Homecoming was fun.