Do you have pet peeves?
October 28, 2021
What bothers you the most when you’re outside of school? People not knowing how to drive? When people talk over you? Everyone has pet peeves–even teachers.
US History teacher Augie Strauch’s biggest pet peeves are toward his 4th and 8th period when students ask, “Mr. Strauch, can we leave 30 seconds earlier?” It annoys him because students who ask to leave early have the mentality that they are better than everyone else in the classroom.
“If you were in any other class period, waiting for the bell isn’t a big issue,” Strauch said. “So, unless you think you are better than every other student in this building, you wait for the bell to ring and then everyone has a fair chance to get to their destination.”
Junior Abigail Lincks can agree with Strauch when it comes to people who constantly complain about not being released early from class.
“It sucks [because] we all want to get out early,” Lincks said. “It’s the way it is. Don’t scream and cry to a teacher because they’re doing their job; that’s what they’ve been told to do.”
Spanish I teacher Mariella Sisk’s biggest pet peeve is the unwillingness of her students to try because she puts in so much effort into her teachings and tries to help students be successful. Short from forcing them to do their work, she can’t physically force them to do their work and tries to make it virtually impossible for her students to not be successful.
“They have to at least put a minimum amount of effort in my class and they’ll be successful because I’ll do whatever I can for them,” Sisk said. “That’s why it bothers me so much because all they have to do is put in a tiny amount of effort and I’ll take it from there, but the unwillingness to try is what really bothers me.”
Strauch can agree when it comes to students not putting any initial effort in class, including students who fall asleep in his class, he’s left to wonder if it’s because they didn’t sleep the night before or they had a million other things to do. This doesn’t upset him as much as the students who are awake and alert and they actively choose to do something different during class.
“I’m talking about the students who play games like ‘Clash of Clans’ during class or are watching shows like ‘Naruto,'” Struach said. “All of those things are not pertinent to what we’re doing, they’re not time sensitive; it just shows me that you would rather be anywhere else than here.”
Lincks doesn’t like it when people play music videos on their phone very loudly in a classroom and when people wear their earbuds and play it so loud that you can’t focus.
“It’s just really disrespectful and it’s not the setting it should be in,” Lincks said. “Some students don’t have any respect for other people trying to work hard or trying to get things done.”
Sisk finds it disrespectful when students come into class late because they’re messing around in the halls and they’re not respecting her time nor their peers’ time; however, she loves it when students correspond with her, even if it’s on the weekends.
“I like it when they email me or ask questions,” Sisk said. “I love it when students ask questions because that’s what they’re supposed to do, so that doesn’t bother me.”