Crime junkie podcast review
March 8, 2021
Currently Ranked #3 on the charts for top podcasts in the USA on Spotify, Crime Junkie is one of the most popular true crime podcasts. With over 630 stories, the podcast discusses anything from missing cases, murders, mysterious deaths, conspiracy, infamous killers, infamous cases and much more to satisfy your true crime needs. Debuting in 2017, Crime Junkie has remained top of the charts with over 500 million downloads and is available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Amazon, Pandora and Google Podcasts.
If you’re like me, reaching boredom is an easy task. Listening to people ramble on and on about topics I’m not interested in, and probably won’t remember, isn’t fun at all. After all, the last reason why anyone would go to listen to a podcast is because they want to listen to something they aren’t intrigued by. Well, after listening to countless other true crime podcasts, Crime Junkie is my absolute favorite. Starting with a short synopsis about what each story is about, the podcast then dives straight into what listeners are there for.
The buildup of the events leading up to the main crime is insane and always leaves me on the edge of my seat as to what is going to happen. Knowing nothing about most of the crimes, hosts Ashley and Brit include concise background information about each person involved in the case such as their job, where they’re from, how they are connected to the crime. This is not your average podcast namelessly listing information, people, events and dates. While they do include this information, Ashley and Brit often relate someone’s actions or motives to their personal lives and discuss what they themselves would do in an effort to articulate maybe why someone made their own choices. In some of the early episodes, Ashley and Brit get into why and how they developed an interest in crime themselves, relating to a similar interest all listeners have.
Along with buildup, the ominous background music is chilling to hear and that much more compelling. Breaking down multiple viewpoints of the crime such as the public, the family’s of the victim, the police, and the individual guilty of such crimes as well as anyone else specifically involved in the particular case, contributes to the story telling skills and truly ropes in listeners to this event. Revealing both the truth and lies found along the way, Ashley and Brit manage to shock me every time with the cases they choose to discuss.
While Ashley is the main speaker and story-teller of the podcast, Brit often poses questions that I and many other listeners may find themselves wanting to ask. Brit’s question also recap earlier events and reassure listeners of particular facts and details they may have forgotten. Each help to both elaborate on events as well as shutdown impossible theories by facts.
Meticulous in its own way, each podcast includes detailed descriptions, events and information about individuals important to the case. Again, while meticulous in interesting information, it’s concise in things that are not important or imperative to the listener, creating a perfect balance of what everyone wants. Therefore, I highly recommend giving Crime Junkie podcast a try, as it’s everything I, a true crime fan, hoped it would be.