New mLISD program will help students and teachers in the classroom

MLISD is a school sponsored program that allows students to rent out or bring a personal laptop for use at home and in the classroom.

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MLISD is a school sponsored program that allows students to rent out or bring a personal laptop for use at home and in the classroom.

Ashley Chase, Editor in Chief

     This year, starting on Sep. 12, the Leander Mobile Learning Initiative (mLISD program) will have students bringing either privately owned devices or Lenovo laptops every day to class. The program’s goal is to have more learning occur digitally, with tests being administered and homework being assigned, completed, and submitted online.

     The implementation of this program will be very beneficial for students and teachers alike and will organize and enhance learning in the classroom.

     First of all, the use of technology is much more efficient and timely than pencil and paper. Using txconnect online, students can constantly check up on their grades and immediately take action when they see them slipping. Through the use of, students can submit assignments and have teachers receive them instantly, all online, and teachers and students can provide feedback on submitted work at any time, not just in the classroom. The use of google classroom allows students to track which assignments they have turned in, what assessments are coming up, and get instant announcements for any changed due dates or important information about an assignment. Gmail and Remind101 is another way for students to be notified of updates in assignments and announcements from teachers. Students can submit questions into google classroom or through emailing teachers and quickly receive answers without waiting until class or tutorials. This constant stream of instant information allows students to be efficient and maximize how they use their time by giving them constant updates and helping them figure out what upcoming things they should focus on.

     Also, using technology regularly in the classroom is more organized and convenient for both students and teachers. With all assignments being completed online, the odds that a student will forget an assignment at home are much lower. All electronic assignments from all  of a student’s classes are kept on google drive, so they can be accessed through the use of any personal device. This means that it is highly unlikely for work to become lost, unlike papers, which can easily be forgotten and take a lot of space and effort to organize. Teachers can also administer assessments quickly online and have them automatically randomized for each student. The teacher can then see which students scored what grades immediately after completing the assessment and there is little chance for these assessments to be lost. With the scoring of the assessment and the organizing of scores paired with students all being done by a computer, there is less room for error and helps teachers stay more on top of their work.

     However, there are possible concerns of how this technology can be hindering student’s attention to learning. Students often use personal devices for social media, private communication, and recreational pursuits instead of their studies. It isn’t possible for a teacher to be monitoring all students’ use of technology, so there’s always the chance someone is snapchatting or checking their instagram rather than actually using the technology for its intended purpose. Some teachers worry that by encouraging and even requiring constant technology use in the classroom, students will be more easily distracted and teachers will be less able to spot those who are off task on their devices.

     While this concern is noteworthy, I feel that the benefits far outweigh the costs. If a student decides to use their devices as a distraction instead of an opportunity, then they are only hurting themselves. Students who fully engage in this privilege to use technology to enhance their own learning will have their improvements reflected in their rising GPA. The organization and efficiency that technology offers to the learning process is too much of a benefit to waste on the fear that some students may not take advantage of it. The mLISD initiative requires the cooperation and initiative of the students for it to work, and for those students who have the needed self discipline, it will make school that much less of a burden. Those students who are benefitted by the initiative make the mLISD program worth the trouble.