Thanksgiving: pros of traveling for the holiday
Senior Madison Smith looks forward to traveling to Utah to visit family during the Thanksgiving holiday and shares why she thinks traveling during break is the way to go.
November 20, 2014
Nothing is sweeter than the combination of no school and getting treated to the most sought after Thanksgiving dinner of the year. I love the excitement of packing my bags and heading off on a vacation where I get to see friends and family. It seems that the farther I get from my normal life in Austin, the less stressed I feel about the day to day tedious tasks. Thanksgiving travels bring so much happiness and a much needed break from reality for many reasons.
One, venturing to new places is exhilarating. The excitement of being in a place different from home, no matter how far away, is always highly anticipated. Don’t get me wrong I love my city and my home, however, a little change of scenery always seems to brighten my mood and spark a new sense of adventure.
Two, physically traveling takes us away from home, but can also mentally take us away from home and obligations we have. Trying to perfect college applications or getting ahead on an upcoming assignment just doesn’t seem quite as important when you are on vacation. Getting up and mentally leaving behind all the consuming stresses of life and school can easily be done through vacationing. It’s funny how a little distance can change one’s perspective.
Four, whenever people leave to go on vacation during the holiday season, often it is accompanied by a visit to old friends or family. My family has many relatives and old friends in Utah. Being surrounded by so many people who love you and are genuinely so happy to see you is the best feeling. Each time I’m visiting my family I feel truly blessed to have a support system that is 1,500 miles away.
Five, my immediate family is very close knit, however it is easy to take each other for granite during the hustle and bustle of the busy school year. Getting the family together in close quarters on a plane, in a car, in a hotel room, or a cramped relatives house, makes me feel literally and figuratively closer to my family. I love the time set aside to bond with my family over the break as we go off and travel for Thanksgiving.
Some of my friends love staying home, but I cannot wait to pack my bags and celebrate Thanksgiving across the country with my family.