New Years Resolutions Never End Well: David Goodman
Whether it is a new hobby you want to pick up or a goal you want to set, with the new year comes new possibilities. Every New Year’s Day lays down the foundation for new things to come and every January 1st, someone in the world is setting a goal for a new resolution.
While resolutions may provide ways to better your life, they don’t always seem to work, and therefore, it’s not necessary to make them if you know you probably won’t fulfill them.
One of the reasons people don’t follow through comes from a lack of planning. If you want to lose more weight this year, you have to plan. It doesn’t work when you say you want to let it happen. There are many specific steps that must be reached in order to meet your goal.
A lack of commitment is also a reason many resolutions don’t work out. Many people either don’t have the time to actually make it happen or they lack the motivation to follow through. A lot of people would rather be stuck with the habits of their “normal” lives rather than taking the time and effort to actually go out and doing their planned resolution.
People sometimes think that New Year’s resolutions are a good way to improve your lifestyle and well being. But if your going improve your life, you better start actually doing it and not being lazy. It doesn’t work if you don’t do it.
People should not be making New Year’s resolutions if they are not going to actually make the attempt of seeing it through. They should all just move on with their daily lives and forget making a resolution for the New Year. If people aren’t going to make their New Year’s resolutions a reality, then why do they make one?
New Year’s resolutions are a waste of time because it just doesn’t seem that people actually care about them. Few people care enough too want to make their New Years dreams come true.
New Years Resolutions Help Us Grow: Kieran Daly
At the beginning of every year we are faced with a difficult decision… should we make a new year’s resolution and if so, what should it be. New Year’s resolutions are a way to look at the mistakes from the previous year and see what you can do the next year to make sure the past doesn’t repeat itself.
For some, it is a way to look at the future for the positives and forget about all the bad things that happened last year and live this year as happy as the last. For others it’s an opportunity to start the year with a goal and accomplish it before the end of the year, kind of like a race against time.
It’s important to make New Year’s resolutions because it is a way to challenge yourself and help yourself grow. It’s ingrained into our brains from a young age that setting goals and pushing yourself to actually reach them is the only way to get where you want to be.
Some people make New Year’s resolutions that they don’t even end up keeping, but they at least try. Reaching your goal completely isn’t necessarily what setting it is even about. It’s more about showing yourself you can make it if you choose to.
Through New Year’s resolutions, you can also learn a lot about yourself. You can learn to utilize your strengths and weaknesses through hard work and maybe even a little perseverance. Although some people do not make New Year’s resolution and a lot of people do make them yet do not stick to them.
Your New Year’s Resolution doesn’t have to be difficult or complicated, it can be something simple. It can be a small task like studying more for school, or having your work done on time or even just hanging out with your friends and being more social.
New Year’s resolutions are a great idea. It’s an opportunity to give yourself a challenge and then say the famous line “Challenge Accepted”, from How I Met Your Mother. Although we should have small term goals throughout the year I think it’s important to have one big goal to try to obtain over the course of a year.
Do you have a New Year’s resolution? Write in the comments bellow, and Happy New Year!