Upperclassmen celebrate end of school year at prom

Lily Beth Kerr photo

Jennifer Walker, Editor-in-Chief

Juniors and seniors had “A Night Under the Stars” on Saturday night. Upperclassmen attended prom last weekend at the Hyatt Regency for a final celebration of the school year.

“It was a good way to wrap up the year,” senior Keaton Scott said. “Ending off with a bang, it’s just this cool formal event where you just dance and have fun. It’s a great way to end high school.”

With hors d’oeuvres, dancing and casino tables, this year’s prom was one for the books. Junior Kyle Sabuda went to prom with junior Julianna Birlin and a few of his friends from swim.

“Just seeing everyone there was pretty fun,” Sabuda said. “[I liked] hanging out with my friends.”

Junior Amelia Milam went to prom with junior Andrew Pena.

“I don’t really know what I expected it to be,” Milam said. “It was cool going to it, and having the experience, and it’s kind of like an upperclassman privilege. I think it was a cool experience.”

Upperclassmen girls started looking for dresses for the event back in January, and hours went into their looks the morning of prom.

“I did all my friend’s makeup and hair at 12:45,” Milam said. “I ended around 4:30. It was kind of chaotic toward the end.”

Many people feel that prom is a ‘coming of age’ event. But for the classes of 2018 and 2019, prom was pure fun.

“It’s really an event to have fun,” Scott said. “I feel like if you don’t want to go you really shouldn’t. It’s not a necessity to go your senior year.”