Senior One Act Plays kick off

May 27, 2016
SOAPs, or senior one-act plays, kick off this week Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 7pm and Saturday at 2pm and will take place in the blackbox.
“The fact that the seniors got to choose who was in it,” freshman and actress in Sorry, Wrong Number Samantha Overhouser said. “It felt like a group of friends rather than work so it was really nice being in a fun environment working on this play.”
There are four one-act plays this year. This is also the first year the theatre department has done SOAPs.
“At my previous schools I introduced senior one-act plays,” theatre director Nikki Guckian said. “I knew that students directing plays would make them better actors and make the other students respect the process of directing.”.
Each of the seniors shows get to run twice. The directors are Alaina Galasso, Brian Nguyen, Ruby Doolittle and Isabela Spielman.
“My favorite part, I loved the whole thing really,” Nguyen said. “But just the cast, being with the cast, working with each individual one, it was different but it was really fun.”
The four one-act plays are Sorry Wrong Number directed by Doolittle, 12 Angry Jurors directed by Nguyen, A Ticket to the City directed by Galasso and Disassembly directed by Spielman.
“They [the senior directors] are more personable I think,” sophomore and actor from A Ticket to the City Jake Painter. said. “And they understand what it is like to be a high school actor instead of just being a theatre teacher.”
Each play is under an hour, tickets are five dollars at the door and one ticket will give you access to see two of the one-act plays.