Cheer team goes to UIL

Jasmine Moreno, Lifestyles/Reviews/Entertainment Editor

This year’s cheer team each earned a bronze medal in their respective classification at the UIL competition this year on Jan. 16-17. In this competition they were competing against 90 other 5A teams who had also made the UIL list.

“We are a very close team, we are a varsity team. I think it just took all of us working together and working with our coaches, and trying to be flexible, we got to do whatever, even if it was something we didn’t really want to do, we were just like ok coach knows best, we’ll go ahead and do it she probably knows best. and so  it just made all work together, and throwing ideas at each other-,” Junior Kennedy Collins said.

The girls hope to work even harder next year and bring up their rank of the top 20.

“The UIL competition was absolutely amazing-,”junior Tatum Apel said “We did not ever imagine that we would really go so far especially not third, but we were super proud of our team and all of our hard work.”

Since this was their first year they only had one competition and it was in state-.”There were 90 teams which were eventually narrowed down to the top 10. Once a team is in the top 10 they do not compete again until the following year.

“It was a fun opportunity to bond with them, because this was the first competition had taken place, and we used team work and a lot of smiles to keep us going so it was a very fun opportunity to have, and a fun moment to share-,” Apel said.