Importance of Pink Out week explained

Jasmine Moreno, Lifestyles/Reviews/Entertainment Editor

Pink Out Week is filling the air and many students have participated in the activities, as a support to the cause. The students are fighting to help find a cure this week. Cancer takes away 1 in 8 lives a year in the U.S. according to the “U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics.” The more can fight and make a positive difference will do ever the more difference to save more lives.

“Students, staff, everyone become aware, to do some fundraising to help fight this ugly, evil thing as far as cancer goes in general that breast cancers specifically this week,” assistant principal Mike Haase said.

Taking a cause and placing it in schools, gives students and parents awareness of what is really out there, whether it’s a personal experience they had or it’s a way for them to realize that illnesses like cancer are not something to take easy about. It happens everyday to various families, just knowing that such an awful thing is out there take people’s lives, gives us the understanding of the seriousness behind the disease and how it affects those who have it.

“It’s made me realize that life is precious, and no one knows if it’s going to happen to them,” college coach Geralyn Elmore said.“The awareness is really important. Knowing that I had breast cancer and that I’m a five year survivor that I know that what the kids are doing here is showing support that is needed for the people that are going through various treatment.”  

If the school as a student body can make a difference for those who are going through treatments or learning that they have this cancer. Knowing that the student body can spread awareness by sharing information is amazing. If one action can make a difference, what can’t the student body accomplish for those all over.

“More schools are becoming more involved in the cause and are making it part of their yearly ritual for the students,”Elmore said. “One school does it other schools follow in its place.”

Many schools all over can make a difference whether it’s spreading awareness about Breast Cancer of it’s sharing another cause. Bringing schools together to change a life or bring awareness on a subject makes a difference no matter what the case is.