Debate students celebrate ‘Debanquet’

After a successful year, the debate team held their first banquet ever to celebrate on May 27 at 5 p.m. The oscar-themed event was held at the restaurant Brio in the Arboretum. About 40 people attended who participated in debate throughout the year.

“It was an amazing evening that really summed up the end of the year,” historian Hannah Olsen said.

President Ariana Engles made a speech to wrap up the year, and vice president Amar Srinivasan also made a small speech about the season as the year drew to a close. After dinner, the members held an award ceremony and presented superlatives to celebrate all of the debater’s success.

“We held the banquet mainly to celebrate a good year of debate,” sponsor Whitney Clearman said. “We really wanted to recognize the people who did well.”

They mainly celebrated the member’s achievements at the district level this year. Some notable awards were presented to Ariana Engles and Akhil Kunbun for their outstanding performances in the final rounds of districts.

“Our program has been fortunate enough for us to have a banquet,” Engles said. “It’s been incredible how much the program has grown in the last year and it was wonderful to recognize all our wonderful debaters.”