The LISD College Fair

Zoe Dowley, Feature Editor

Leander ISD is hosting a college fair for all students and parents that want to know more about admissions, financial aid, and scholarships. Representatives from more than 100 colleges, universities, military branches and technical programs are going to be there.

The college fair will be held at Vista Ridge High School on Sept. 23 from 6-8 p.m.

“The college fair is a huge deal because many college representatives from all over the nation will be there for you,” transition coordinator Sarah Spradling said.

The college fair has been hosted by all of the high schools in the district except Vandegrift. Previously, the school has never hosted because of the new facility and small number of students that have attended college fairs in the past.

“I’d love for our school to host the fair, but since we are a smaller school, not many students have attended the past college fairs for us to host one,” Spradling said.

The college fair is aimed at freshman and sophomores because it is a fast paced event. Juniors and seniors may find they don’t have enough time to talk in depth with representatives from colleges they are most interested in.

Spradling suggests juniors and seniors should sign up in Naviance for college visits held on campus. When college representatives visit Vandegrift, juniors and seniors can have more time to talk and get more information about the specific college they are interested in.

To register for the college fair, go to and choose TACRAO. Students will receive a QR code that representatives are able to scan to receive information.