On October 31st, Vandegrift Counselors will hold a coffeehouse in the college connections corner from 8 to 10.
This college coffeehouse will be available to any senior who has applied to a 4 year university. If you did not use Apply Texas, please bring proof of your submission.
“We wanted to create buzz amongst the seniors about getting applications submitted, we could tell y’all till your blue in the face but we wanted the peer pressure. We wanted y’all to have that buzz going and I think it’s done its job because we’ve already seen submissions jump 25% since senior transition day on October 17th,” transition coordinator Sarah Spradling said.
The coffeehouse will include a free Starbucks coffee or hot beverage, a raffle that will give you a chance to win a Starbucks gift card (provided by Hill Country Educational Foundation) and warm appreciated from the counselors to the seniors for getting their applications turned in early.
“I’m excited because we’re getting treated for submitting our applications because it’s definitely a hard process of doing, and… free coffee,” senior Jasmine Smith said.