[UPDATED] The results for the Student Council class elections, which were held during lunch on Friday, were released September 30th .
Class President: Sandy Pham (’12), Kendall King (’13), Cade McDonald (’14) and Denver Fesmire (’15).
Vice President: Marshall Wilson (’12), Brittany Von Oldenburg (’13), Chris Fernandes (’14) and Morgan Threadgill (’15).
Secretary: Madeline Castleman (’12), Madeline Sabel (’13), Haley Conroy (’14) and Sydney Sabel (’15).
Treasurer: Ashley Munoz (’12), Hannah Von Oldenburg (’13), Johnny Zhang (’14) and Ariel Barrazza (’15).
Historian: Giselle Suazo (’13), Taylor Christensen (’14), and Chloe Christian (’15)
Leadership, initiative and drive are a few of the important characteristics that are essential in every candidate running in the election. Because this year is the first year that Vandegrift has an entire student body, it is important that each voice is represented through class officers in Student Council.
These characteristics are evident in junior Student Body President Brandon Downer, who regularly displays qualities that uphold the Vandegrift values.
“A lot of responsibility comes with it [being student body president],” Downer said. “I want people to look at me and see a good president. I want people to say, ‘Hey he’s doing good things, so I wanna do good things too.’”
According to Ms. Simmelink, Student Council sponsor, this year is going to be different in comparison to past years because Mr. Little has decided that he would like to become more involved in Student Council meetings. In addition, that he would like to sit down and discuss the various ideas that the students have in order to further improve the school.
“I expect that student council will have a bigger presence and influence,” Simmelink said. “Mr. Little would really like to be more involved and be a part of meetings and listen to student feedback. Thus, making student council a more decision making body.”
The greater the power granted to Student Council, the greater the responsibility that each of the candidates must go about in executing their job. Senior Grant Joseph, Student Body Vice President, is familiar with having to participate in elections and the responsibilities that come along with winning.
“Trying to get the people’s voices to be heard is the greatest challenge,” Joseph said. “I try and impress that on Student Council. And to ask random students about what they wanted out of Homecoming.”
In addition to that, Joseph is in charge of running executive board meetings where he represents the link between students and administration, and makes sure that all students’ voices are heard. Senior Jenna Diven would also like to be involved in the push for student representation in Student Council, and is running this year for Senior Class President.
“We’re seniors. I want to make this year the best year for all of us,” Diven said. “We have our legacy and we already made this school. We [also] have prom, graduation and a lot of new stuff and you have to have someone who loves change and is dedicated.”
Friday’s elections will be competitive for all grades, but for seniors it is important that they have a strong leader to uphold Vandegrift values while ensuring the year’s most memorable success.
“It comes down to an election for leadership,” Ms. Simmelink said. “Students want one that they can relate to and contrast to, and there is a human interest in being a good candidate. You need to have that natural leadership and rapport in order to connect with the community.”
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