UNICEF Club to hold meeting on Nov. 14

Kevin Erm, Staff Writer

VHS UNICEF Club will have their monthly meeting to discuss fundraising and upcoming events for the month On Friday Nov 14 in Ms. Mogab’s room during PIT.

UNICEF is short for United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, and its goal is to provide humanitarian relief and educational needs to children of developing countries.

“Our three core values are too educate, advocate, and fundraise,” junior Shivani Pandya said.

UNICEF Club is a student led club started by junior Shivani Pandya and sponsored by history teacher Sarah Mogab. Shivani was inspired to start the club when she saw U.T. students doing a fundraiser

“When I was in middle school, I went downtown and there was a booth next to a restaurant ran by U.T. kids to give abroad,” Shivani said.  “I wanted a VHS student service at home,”

Shivani started the club her sophomore year and it has gained attention from other groups.

“This month we worked on trick-or-treat for UNICEF with the help of Key Club,” Shivani said. “and we are having a food drive with basketball.”

Any student can join UNICEF by going to their monthly meeting including the one happening on Friday and can participate and donate to their fundraisers and events.

“It’s important for us all to do our part and assists children that are not as privileged as we are.” Shivani said.

For more information about UNICEF at VHS, visit Ms. Mogab for any questions you wish to ask and for more information about UNICEF globally, visit here http://www.unicef.org/