1. How long has French Club been a club at Vandegrift?
- French Club has been here since the beginning , 2010
2. What is your favorite part of French Club?
- My favorite part is the camaraderie and sharing my love of the language with students who are extremely interested in it. I also love the get together’s we have at La Madeleine Café.
3. What are some things that you do in French Club?
- In French Club we watch French films, eat French foods, and meet outside of school on the weekends sometimes at French cafes. We hope to visit some museums in the future.
4. Who all can be in the club?
- Anyone can join; you do not have to speak French to be a member.
5. When and how often does French club meet?
- We meet at least once a month and sometimes twice a month
6. What is something that you wouldn’t know about French Club if you weren’t in it?
- If you weren’t in it, you would never know how fascinating the language is nor would you make close-knit friends like we have in the club.